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What we are all about...


Wildwood Academy is devoted to accelerating the academic achievement of students. Programs are individualized to allow each child to work to his or her potential. Structured lessons emphasize the basic skills of speaking, reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, reasoning and comprehension. Academic pursuits are balanced with instruction in science, social studies, health and fitness, computer studies, music, art,  and drama.  Practical self-management skills and effective study habits are taught to ensure success in all subject areas. The importance of positive social interactions and ethical integrity are also taught within the classroom setting and during extra-curricular activities.  At Wildwood Academy, we strive to make education a positive experience, and we provide each student with the tools needed to engage in a lifetime of learning.


Wildwood Academy was founded in 2002 by long-time residents of Oakville, Bud Johnson and Laurie Simpson. Their vision was to create a school environment to address the need for specialized private education in the Halton region where all students could learn despite their level of functioning. With the help of architect, Gren Weis, Bud and Laurie designed a warm and inviting building that now functions as a hub of positive social and learning experiences for students in grades two to eight. Wildwood Academy prides itself in offering small class sizes and intensive support instruction when necessary. Direct Instruction programs are relied upon to teach students who may be functioning above or below grade level with various learning abilities, including but not limited to: Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyslexia and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Learning is a positive experience and students achieve significant academic gains and increased self-confidence. Wildwood Academy is a federally incorporated, non-profit, charitable organization that relies heavily on tuition fees and generous community-based donations.


The Wildwood Crest symbolically represents the ‘acorn’ and the ‘oak leaf’. The acorn represents something with vast potential. Because the acorn only appears on a fully mature oak, it signifies the patience required to attain goals over a long period of time - demonstrating perseverance and hard work.  The oak is the mightiest of trees and its leaf symbolizes strength, endurance, and courage.  When the oak leaf and acorn are combined, the entire symbol stands for victory. 

                                                   “It takes time to get foundations established, 

                                         but you can’t grow an oak tree without planting an acorn.” 

                                                                           ~Kirk Hayes~

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